Chapter 1440

 Finally i'm able to catch a breather to do some updates here after one good month. Having some personal time is so precious to me now. If you are a follower of mine on Instagram and Dayre, you have gotten know that i have gave birth to our little princess, Aurelia 💓

She is currently one month old (++)! 

Everything happened in a split second during my labour. 

A little update on my labour story .. 

7th July 2021 

It was my final follow up with the gynae before things got real. Was advised that my cervix was still closed during the check and was advised to consider on going induce as baby A was about 3.3kg and gynae doesn't want me to risk by waiting for a few more days as baby A may grow bigger which may led me to have difficulties on going through natural birth. 

Both HubB and i agreed to go for induce as we do not want to risk and also it just a few more days before our EDD so it makes no difference to us. 

On the night itself, we headed to TMC for our swab test procedure before i admit to the hospital the following day. It was HubB virgin swab and he was freaking nervous about it. hahaha 

Glad that we took this picture for memories keepsake. 

8th July 2021 

Checked in to TMC at about 11.30pm and went ahead to settle all the necessary paperwork. To be honest, i wasn't feeling excited but nervous and scared for the entire day! I teared when i was sent to the labour room . The frightening feeling really scare me off badly. 

Noticed that even before i started the induce process, i felt a little contraction. I started to feel some cramps here and there. So i guess even if i did not choose to do any induce on the day itself, i would have probably admitted to TMC too. Thank you baby A for letting me to admit the hospital first rather than feeling panic when the contraction kicks in on its own! At least we are being prepared when going through induce process. 

one last picture with baby A in my tum tum! 
looking unglam here but who cares! HAHA

the contraction pain was at level 46 and i was dying in pain when it hit 36-38. i was crying for epidural! my pain tolerance was so low that i couldn't take it anymore. I salute mothers who went through labour without epidural! It's another level of pain, worse than menses cramp. 

Epidural is definitely a gift from God during your labour game. I felt like a human again after the effect kicks in! oh yes, my anaesthetist was Dr Yvonne Lim. Highly recommended by many mothers. And yes, she is damn pretty la. hahaha. Most importantly, she is good with the jab. On the scale 1 -10, i think i would rate 1 for the level of pain? Instead, the IV drip pain level is even worse than epidural jab. 

After the effect kicks in, i was able to sleep for a while. Shivering was the only side effect which i have gone through during the labour. I was about 6cm dilated at about 4am. FYI, i took epidural at about 2am. My gynae and the nurses was so amazed on how well the induce works on me as everything happened so smoothly and effectively. 

the only food that i can eat throughout the labour session.

9th July 2021

It's the day where we met Aurelia in person!
Happy birthday little one 😍

Took about 30 mins to push baby A out however, as her head was kinda big so she was delivered via forceps assist! But glad that everything went well and i didn't end up on emergency C sect!

Was tearing when we heard baby A first cry! Typically, she was yelling instead of crying. Gynae was saying baby A was angry for pulling her out so early. HAHAHA. The moment when she was out, her both eyes was open widely!  I wish to share the picture here but because she was naked so am not gonna share it. For personal view only. heh. 

first family photo together! Looking unglam here but don't care. This photo is so precious. hehehe

our first selfie together 💓

This was her after all the clean up! Hehe 
So mini, so precious. 

Got discharged after staying for 2 nights. 

first day at our nest. hehehe
i am so in love with her! It's felt so weird as we met as stranger in the first place but as days went by, i'm in love with her so deeply. 

Fast forward to baby A's one month! 

Due to Covid restriction, we didn't have any grand celebration for her so just a mini party. 

we are a family of 3. 

looking tired but still wanna have a picture with baby A! 

Throughout the journey, i think after birth is the toughest journey. Everyone thought labour would be the most painful process but i would say nope! The most painful journey is the healing part. I was in a great pain during the healing part. I can feel like im dying from the wounds healing! Not able to sleep, sit, stand or walk well was a pain in the ass. I took about 2 weeks for the pain to go away ~ Painkiller was my bestfriend during the healing journey. But i'm glad i felt so much better thereafter where i could fully focus on taking care of baby A and enjoying every process with her. hehe 

Today, am an official mummy to baby A! Being a mother is tough but the journey is definitely meaningful one. 

Thank you baby A for giving us a chance to be your parents. We love you very much! 

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