Chapter 1442 - Goodbye, 97

As mentioned in my previous blog post, my family has moved out from their previous unit and currently residing in their new estate. 

It was a superb good news for everyone when our Daddy told us that he was firmed to move out after so many years! If you were a follower of my blog, you may have read up some entries about our wicked neighbour who stayed above us whom has not been giving us peace throughout the decades. So happy for my family where they can do their laundry openly without worrying people pouring anything down from the top, no more stomping or skipping at home especially during near bedtime. Best of all, their ears can be free from all the swearing and cursing. 

Staying at the previous unit was the best moment for us except facing the wicked neighbour. We love our neighbour that stayed at the same level as us. We often gift each other goodies during all kinds of festival. Though i have moved out from the unit for 5 years but this somehow impact me a little when they officially moved out from the unit. I do miss my Malay neighbour at times. They were so nice to our family 💕

I didn't have a chance to bid them goodbye because everything was in a rush. Probably i'll drop by some day to say hi to them! heh. 

The empty room of Daddy's 
This was his cozy area where he slack here drinking beer, watching teevee.
Little A will tends to crawl inside and grab his phone for fun lol

our living room. 
Daddy left the fridge for the new owner. It's still in warranty and new! 

Our kitchen.

our bedroom. 

Last step into the house lol

Bittersweet moment. 

had some fond memories since my secondary school days.
Used to slack at this corner with my classmates lolol
and before moving out, little boba had her bubbles session here! Glad that i have managed to capture some photos as memories :') 


So thankful that i'm able to 嫁出去 from here. This is so important to me since i grew up from here since young! All the precious memories will remains in my heart. 

I'll see you when i see you .. 

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