Chapter 1444 - Hello December!

Hello December! 

Yet again, final lap of the year. 

So much to reminisce and to look back for this year. Be it good or bad. 

Perhaps, i should do up a reflection post for 2022 before the year end. 

To kick start my December, attended Aunty's ROM ceremony today and also celebrated one of our cousin's birthday. Thereafter the celebrations, we returned to parents' place to slack around. I was feeling effing tired due to sleeping late last night and waking up early this morning. 

But a fruitful day, indeed. This December is an eventful one. Many ongoing gatherings and etc. Hopefully will be a good one to end the year. I will keep up with my pace to update as much as possible! ^^

Coming week, there will be 3 different events. I'm not gonna say i will look forward to it because things always become otherwise whenever i look forward to something 😓

Orgay.. gonna end here for now. A short post to stay updated hehe 

Shall prepare a reflection post to end the year soon! 

Stay tuned yo! 

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