Chapter 1453 - Privacy

Recently, i have chanced upon an article regarding on protecting the privacy of our little one. 

My personal POV, it's important to protect their privacy regardless their age. I think the most basic practice to have between a parent and a child is being respectful and having trust with each other. Definitely i'm not 100% confidence that i can fulfil these 2 basic items with my little one because i'm a paranoid mummy. Lol. I tend to overthink, worry too much on unnecessary thing when comes to my little one. So i'm in the midst of mastering to be less paranoid as a mummy. 

There are so much to learn and adapt as a first time parents! 

Talking about protecting our little one's privacy. Yes, i do agree even they are still young, we have the right to protect their privacy regardless of their age. 

For those who know, i have actually created an IG account for my little one even before she was born. The account was for my documentation on my pregnancy journey and slowly to update the little milestone when she was born.  This account is private, and we only allow our family members and super close friends to follow. 

But of course, those exclusive photo (ie unglam etc 😂) we will not share with anyone but for self-consumption only. So i will usually IG video about her when we left the place that we visited, in case anyone is stalking us. HAHA. I mean you never know because social media is powerful and scary if we didn't handle it with care. 

When little one start to become more sensible, i will seek for her consent if i could share anything about her on our social media. I think as parent, this is the most basic thing is to respect and protect their privacy. Definitely i won't want anyone to update about me on social media so randomly and posting photo that i deem is unglam 😂

On a monthly basis, i will tend to update her monthly milestone on Facebook. Reason is because my Facebook friend list consist of family members who would love to see her updates. In case you are wondering why i don't share it on Whatsapp etc. Long story short, not all in the group chat will be interested with my little one's update. So i don’t think it's really nice to spam the group but at least friends on Facebook can just unfollow my post or hide my updates if they are sian with it 😂😂😂 And Faceook allows me to hide post from people whom im not comfortable to share with too! But anyway, i have minimize on sharing much content about my little one on social media liao. In fact, recently i have done some clean up on my fb albums. Deleted quite a number of album and decided to go low profile for some event though i guess it's too late to do it now. 

Further that, i'm a social media addict or rather an IG addict. I love updating there but now i'm more aware on being low profile so sometime i only share my IG stuff with people whom im close with. The world has been taken over by social media and it has become part of our daily life, i think most of us can't live without it. 

What's your take! 

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