Chapter 1454

First post for March, a late hello! 

Guilty is me for not being able to catch up with my blog regularly. I have always wanted to come here but am swam with my work and taking care of the little one. 

Little one is turning 2 in few months' time and it has been quite challenging to take care of her due to her being so naughty at times. As one says, she is in the "terrible two" stage. omg. I've broke down countless time to myself as i was feel very overwhelmed with work and taking care of her. The stress level is ain't joke man. 

This week i have been staying over with the little one at my parents' as HubB is out of town. Thankful for extra hand where i can catch a breather for good and also to focus well on my work. So thankful that i'm still able to WFH - definitely not gonna take this for granted. 

Currently my boss and I is working on a project that may benefit parents in all ways. We are setting up a platform to provide some useful tips for all parents. Really hope this will works! Will share more when the platform is ready! 

Favourite picture till date! 

Husband brought us to Prive cafe @ Jewel to celebrate our 14th anniversary in adv since he will be out of town. 

Love their mushroom soup.
Tried to rotate the photo but unsure why it doesn't work here lol 

Husband had this 

while i shared this with little one. super filling! 


couldn't open my eyes wide due to the direct sunlight shining on me lol

treated ourselve this! 

tea is a must have for us. or rather my life saver!I need to have a cup of tea everyday, be it cold or hot. If not my head will feel super heavy @.@

Happy 14th to us! 

Returning to our own place tonight. 

Hopefully im able to handle the little one alone while working tomorrow. Heng, it's Friday soon!

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